Congyi Zhang

Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellow · The University of British Columbia


I am a postdoctoral research and teaching fellow in the Department of Computer Science at UBC with Prof. Alla Sheffer. Prior to this position, I served as a research associate at HKU CS under the supervision of Prof. Wenping Wang. I also spent a year as a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics with Prof. Christian Theobalt. I earned my Ph.D. in computer science from Peking University and my B.Sc. in mathematics from Fudan University. My recent research topics are focused on neural geometric representation, AI for 3D content generation, human–computer interaction, and 3D reconstruction.

selected publications

  1. SIGGRAPH 2024
    TexPainter: Generative Mesh Texturing with Multi-view Consistency
    Hongkun Zhang, Zherong PanCongyi Zhang, Lifeng Zhu, and Xifeng Gao
    In ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Conference Papers, Jul 2024
  2. ICCV 2023
    Surface Extraction from Neural Unsigned Distance Fields
    Congyi Zhang*Guying Lin*, Lei Yang, Xin LiTaku KomuraScott SchaeferJohn Keyser, and Wenping Wang (* equal contribution)
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oct 2023
  3. ICCV 2023
    Batch-based Model Registration for Fast 3D Sherd Reconstruction
    Jiepeng WangCongyi ZhangPeng WangXin Li, Peter J. Cobb, Christian Theobalt, and Wenping Wang
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oct 2023
    An Implicit Parametric Morphable Dental Model
    Congyi ZhangMohamed ElgharibGereon Fox, Min Gu, Christian Theobalt, and Wenping Wang
    ACM Trans. Graph., Dec 2022
  5. TVCG
    CreatureShop: Interactive 3D Character Modeling and Texturing from a Single Color Drawing
    Congyi Zhang, Lei Yang, Nenglun Chen, Nicholas ViningAlla ShefferFrancis C.M. Lau, Guoping Wang, and Wenping Wang
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Dec 2022
  6. CHI 2021
    HandPainter - 3D Sketching in VR with Hand-Based Physical Proxy
    Ying JiangCongyi ZhangHongbo Fu, Alberto Cannavò, Fabrizio Lamberti, Henry Y K Lau, and Wenping Wang († corresponding author)
    In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Dec 2021
  7. IEEE VR 2020
    DGaze: CNN-Based Gaze Prediction in Dynamic Scenes
    Zhiming Hu, Sheng Li, Congyi Zhang, Kangrui Yi, Guoping Wang, and Dinesh Manocha
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, May 2020
    CPPM: Chi-Squared Progressive Photon Mapping
    Zehui Lin, Sheng Li, Xinlu Zeng, Congyi Zhang, Jinzhu Jia, Guoping Wang, and Dinesh Manocha
    ACM Trans. Graph., Nov 2020
  9. SMI 2019
    Real-time editing of man-made mesh models under geometric constraints
    Congyi Zhang, Lei Yang, Liyou Xu, Guoping Wang, and Wenping Wang
    Computers & Graphics, Nov 2019
  10. IEEE VR 2019
    SGaze: A Data-Driven Eye-Head Coordination Model for Realtime Gaze Prediction
    Zhiming HuCongyi Zhang, Sheng Li, Guoping Wang, and Dinesh Manocha
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, May 2019